2024-07-03    2024-07-14     398 字  2 分钟

Computer Science

  • Patt, Y.N., Patel, S., 2019. Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits & Gates to C/C++ & Beyond, 3rd edition. ed. McGraw Hill.
  • Patterson, D.A., Hennessy, J.L., 2020. Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface, 2nd edition. ed. Morgan Kaufmann, Cambridge, MA.


  • Savitch, W.J., 2017. Problem Solving with C++, 10th ed. Pearson.
  • Stroustrup, B., 2015. Programming: principles and practice using C++, 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley.

  • Carrano, F., Henry, T., 2016. Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors, 7th ed. Pearson.
  • Main, M., Savitch, W.J., 2011. Data Structures & Other Objects Using C++. Addison-Wesley.
  • Weiss, M.A., 2014. Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++, 4ed. ed. Pearson.
  • Cormen, T.H., Leiserson, C.E., Rivest, R.L., Stein, C., 2022. Introduction to Algorithms, 4th ed. The MIT Press.


  • Samuelson, P., Nordhaus, W., 2009. Economics, 19th edition. ed. McGraw Hill, Boston.
  • Mankiw, N.G., 2023. Principles of Economics, 10th edition. ed. Cengage Learning.

  • Wooldridge, J.M., 2019. Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 7th ed, MindTap Course List. Cengage Learning.
  • Stock, J.H., Watson, M.W., 2020. Introduction to Econometrics, 4th ed. Pearson Education Limited.

  • Blanchard, O., 2020. Macroeconomics, 8th ed. Pearson.
  • Mankiw, N.G., 2015. Macroeconomics, 9th ed. Worth Publishers.
  • Romer, D., 2018. Advanced Macroeconomics, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Angrist, J.D., Pischke, J.-S., 2008. Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist’s Companion.
  • Rosenbaum, P.R., 2023. Causal Inference, The MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series. The MIT Press.

  • Thirlwall, A.P., Pacheco-López, P., 2017. Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence, 10th edition. ed. Red Globe Press, London.
  • Todaro, M., Smith, S., 2020. Economic Development, 13th edition. ed. Pearson, Hoboken.

  • Park, C., 2015. Contemporary Engineering Economics, 6th edition. ed. Pearson, Boston.
  • Sullivan, W.G., Wicks, E.M., Koelling, C.P., 2019. Engineering Economy, 17th ed. Pearson Education.
  • Newnan, D.G., Eschenbach, T.G., Lavelle, J.P., Lewis, N.A., 2019. Engineering Economic Analysis, 14th ed. Oxford University Press.


  • Robbins, S.P., Coulter, M.A., 2020. Management, 15th edition. ed. Pearson.
  • Taha, H.A., 2017. Operations Research: An Introduction. Pearson.


  • Bertsekas, D.P., Tsitsiklis, J.N., 2008. Introduction To Probability, 2nd edition. ed. Athena Scientific, Belmont.
  • Casella, G., Berger, R.L., 2001. Statistical Inference, 2nd ed. Duxbury Press.
  • Epp, S.S., 2019. Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 5th ed. Cengage Learning.
  • Strang, G., 2019. Linear Algebra and Learning from Data, 1st ed. Wellesley-Cambridge Press.
  • Strang, G., 2016. Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th ed. Wellesley-Cambridge Press, Wellesley.


  • Laudon, J.P., Laudon, K.C., 2020. Management information systems managing the digital firm, 16th ed.